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Do you know Chia's lesser-known cousin?


Yes, I’m talking about basil seeds

Chia seeds stole the limelight over two decades ago when they were brought on the scene as the new superfood. However, basil seeds have long been used in Ayurvedic medicine for their health benefits.

Basil seeds, also known as sabja seeds and tukmaria seeds, are not too different in appearance from chia seeds. In fact, they share a very similar nutritional profile. Perhaps the most critical nutritional difference is that chia seeds are twice as rich in omega-3 fatty acids whereas basil seeds are higher in fiber.


A few health benefits worth highlighting…

Packed with nutrients
Basil seeds are rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron as well as vitamin A, E and K. They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Perfect for staying hydrated and beating the heat
Their natural cooling properties paired with impressive fluid retaining capabilities make basil seeds excellent ingredients for thirst quenchers. Add them to coconut water or lemonade and you’ve got a power combo to get you through intense summers. 

Perfect for keeping your gut in check
The seeds’ natural cooling property makes them a great home remedy for heartburn and acid reflux.

Excellent for relieving constipation
Due to their rich soluble fiber content, basil seeds can boost elimination.

Helpful for balancing blood sugar levels
Basil seeds are known to prevent rising glucose levels which makes them a healthy option for managing type 2 diabetes.

Few things to note:

  • To prepare, soak 1 tablespoon of basil seeds in 8 ounces of water. Let them soak for about 30 - 45 minutes.

  • While chia seeds can be used raw or soaked, basil seeds must be eaten only after being soaked.

  • Although both basil and chia seeds have wonderful benefits they should only be consumed in moderation and as needed.

🎯  Quote of the week

Be brave. Take risks.
Nothing can substitute experience.

— Paulo Coelho

 🍋 Recipe of the week - Nimbu Pani (the OG electrolyte drink)

Nimbu pani, which literally translates to "lime water," is essentially an Indian limeade. For centuries, this refreshing drink has been consumed in India to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes.

This is pretty much a simple limeade recipe with a few Ayurvedic tweaks.

Juice of ½ - 1  lime
8oz of water
½ - 1 teaspoon cane sugar
¼ teaspoon of kala namak (black salt) or pink Himalayan salt **
2-3 saffron strands

(black salt/pink Himalayan salt replenish minerals lost through sweating without increasing body heat)

Make this electrolyte drink even more hydrating by adding a teaspoon of chia or basil seeds. It's a fun one for kids too! And if you’re not feeling the limeade then feel free to substitute with any other fresh juice or coconut water. 

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