Jab & Squat
The first part of today’s newsletter is more of a reality check, followed by the wellness tips I’ve promised to deliver. I hope you find some value in what I have to share.
On June 15th California fully reopened and as of that date, fully-vaccinated Californians have had the freedom to ditch their face masks and roam around freely. Looking around, one would think that the pandemic is over - but that is far from reality. I am reminded of this everyday by friends & family across the globe.
I’ll admit, I was one amongst many who was reluctant to receive the Covid vaccine but I finally did and I consider myself fortunate. Millions are still awaiting their turn to receive the vaccine and I hope that day comes soon.
There is still much anxiety over the vaccine’s immediate side effects, which vary from one person to the next. I’d like to share my experience here and if you’ve chosen to get the jab 💉 then read on for some tips.
My 1st dose (Moderna) was quite a breeze - no side effects at all. However, the 2nd dose made its presence known - a throbbing headache which lasted hours, fatigue, fever and chills. All symptoms were gone within twenty-four hours. Not too bad overall but I did prepare with the following:
Ayurvedic tips for minimizing immediate Covid vaccine side effects 💉
Drinking plenty of warm water, herbal tea (ginger tea in particular) & electrolytes to stay well hydrated. This is especially beneficial if you are running a fever and will also help flush out any toxins. I usually make a homemade electrolyte drink but for the sake of convenience and quick hydration I kept several sachets of hydration powder at the ready - and I am so glad I did.
Soothe that arm
A sore arm is expected. So be sure to keep moving your arm around - begin doing this as soon as you get your shot. This will help prevent excessive soreness. You can also apply and massage Arnica ointment around the affected area.
Get plenty of rest
Avoid any strenuous activities before and after your vaccine. You want to make sure that your system is not depleted or fatigued. Additionally, having a day to rest and recuperate allows your body to deal with the immune response to the vaccine.
Avoid pro-inflammatory foods
Sugar, alcohol, processed foods, heavy and fried foods can cause inflammation. This can make recovery a bit slower. Instead, opt for foods that are fresh and high in nutrients.
Eat light
If you experience a lack of appetite, then opt for light yet nourishing foods. Definitely plan ahead and keep a dish or two ready. Chicken broth, chicken soup, khichadi, lentil soup and congee (rice porridge) are excellent options. Email me if you need a recipe 😊
Hope this helps. And please share with friends or family who will be getting their shot soon 💌
✨ Strength Side - The Squat ✨
Continuing on with the Strength series, I’d like to jump into the first of the 7 functional movements. The squat - my favorite. This, as the saying goes, is the best bang for your buck! One movement that effectively works your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, abdominals and calves.
Squatting is actually an innate movement. Observe a toddler and you’ll lose count of how many times they squat and stand while going about their business. Unfortunately, the ability to perform this movement effortlessly diminishes with age and a sedentary lifestyle. But the good news is that you can retrain your body to perform this movement. This really is an essential movement - from sitting down and standing to lifting heavy objects - we need to be able to do this with good form.
Setting up for the perfect squat:
Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width and planted firmly on the ground.
Ensure your weight is distributed evenly through the heels & balls of your feet.
Keep your hands in front of you or place them on your hips.
Pick a spot in front of you and look straight ahead. (Do not look at the ground or up at the ceiling.)
Performing the squat with good form:
Bend at your hips and push your butt back. Keep pushing backwards as your knees begin to bend.
Squat down until your hip joint is lower than your knees.
Push the ground away from you to stand up tall. Squeeze your glutes at the top to achieve a full lockout.
Repeat this movement.
Additional Tips
Squat only as low as you comfortably can while maintaining good form and staying pain-free.
Keep your core engaged and your entire body tight throughout the movement.
Keep your chest up and your spine in a neutral position.
Make sure that your knees do not cave in towards each other. If this occurs, push your knees out (but not wider than your feet).
Play around with your foot positioning. A small change such as slightly turning out your feet may feel more comfortable. This varies from one person to another.
Once you’ve got this down, aim to do three sets of 8-10 repetitions at least 3 times a week.
There are several squat variations that include weights & other equipment as well as stance variation. More to come on this!
🎯 Quote of the week
If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.
— Hippocrates
🎥 Video of the week
I came across this ad a few months ago. I know it's not the season but I thought the message is apt given the recent topic on strength training. Enjoy! 😉